Website Disclaimer
The information contained in this site is for general nature and should not be relied upon as individual professional advice. If necessary, legal or financial advice should be obtained from a qualified practitioner.
Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this site is complete, current and accurate, the author does not guarantee that it is so and accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or personal injury that may result from the use of any material contained herein.
Credit Guide
Credit Guide & Privacy Statement Document
This document will inform you about:
Who we are;
What do we do;
The responsible Lending Process;
Who our main lenders are;
How we do get paid and who else gets paid;
How can you complain in case of a misunderstanding, and;
How do we use your information.
View our Credit Guide HERE
Privacy Statement
Privacy Policy Document
We respect your personal information, and this Privacy Policy explains how we handle it. This Policy also includes additional information on how we manage your personal information collected in connection with a credit application, or a credit facility.
View our Privacy Policy HERE.
ENRIC TARRASO-LETANG | ABN: 48 141 697 039